
We are very excited to share with you our new look that we’ve been working on for a while.  We loved our previous logo and our clients loved it too. It just didn’t represent the entire picture of who we are now. That time our company was at a growing stage and the yellow blocks were indicating that. In this post I want to share with you the whole story of what we currently value as a company and strive to do for our clients. We are not only changing our logo but also our message on how we show up in the marketplace. As our company has evolved over time and we have outgrown our previous logo and core brand message. This is a very organic part of every business. As five years have gone by we have evolved as a company and our brand today is more dynamic than it has ever been.

Our clients aren’t money trees and they are not a mere email addresses on our mailing list—they are our family. As cliche as that may sound, it’s true. Every instances a new client comes on board, we add a new member to our family and we build a bond with them. It’s a BONUS that we get to help them with Branding, Digital Marketing and web design. The white circle means that our each day revolves around our extended family (aka Clients) from dawn to dusk. The “AD” is in geometric shapes which depicts “Digital” and the “65” looks warm and inviting

The orange circle also has a meaning behind it. Orange is the color of joy and creativity. Orange genuinely promotes a sense of goodness and emotional energy that should be shared such as compassion, passion, and warmth. The color orange itself is stimulating, vibrant, and flamboyant. Although it’s made up of red and yellow, it carries lesser aggression and fierceness than the color red due to its combination with the calming yellow. Studies show that the orange color can create physical effects such as heightened sense of activity, increased socialization, boost in aspiration, increased contentment and enhanced assurance. Orange also helps aid decision making, enhances happiness, and nourishes confidence and understanding.

We wanted our new logo to POP–something that stands out from the crowd and makes a statement. Something that makes you stare at it